Canine Heartworm Antigen Lateral Flow Rapid Test Kit

Canine Heartworm Antigen Rapid Test Kit

1. Principle

The rapid test kit uses immunochromatographic technology to qualitatively detect heartworm antigens in canine serum, plasma or whole blood. It moves along the chromatographic membrane along with the gold-labeled colloidal anti-HW monoclonal antibody If the HW antigen is present in the sample, it will bind to the antibody at the detection line and show a red color. There is no color reaction if the HW antigen is not present in the simple.

2. Components


Heartworm Ag Test Card

10 piece


Water dispenser

10 piece


Sampling buffer

1 bottle


Work manual

1 piece


3.Test procedure

1) Collect whole blood, separated serum or plasma (centrifuge at 2000-3000 r/min for 5 to 15 minutes or separate naturally at 4°C overnight), or take whole blood with anticoagulants as a sample.Collect whole blood without anticoagulants As a sample it is also fine, but you should try it immediately.

2) Open the package, take out the test card, put it on a clean and flat desk.

3) Use a dropper to drop 1 drop (about 40ul) into the well marked S, then drop 3 drops of sample buffer into the well. If the liquid does not flow, you can lightly press the area between the " sample hole" and the "observation hole" to aid liquid release.

4) The result will be judged at room temperature in 5-10 min, not valid beyond 10 min.

4. Trial results

1)      Positive: both the control line and the test line appear glass red;

2)      Negative: only the wine red control line is seen;

3)      Invalidation: The control line is not seen in wine red.

5. Storage and expiration date 

Store at 2 - 30oC and its shelf life is 24 months.

6. Do you realize?

1) Do not use test cards with expiration date and defective packaging;

2) Store at room temperature (< 30°C) is fine. If stored cold, first return to room temperature, then open the container, avoid humidity.

3) Do not touch the white surface of the membrane in the center of the test card.

4) To ensure the quality of the assay, take a fresh and uncontaminated sample. Avoid the oil layer and take the serum for detection.

5) If the serum cannot be analyzed immediately, store it at 4°C for a short period of time (within 48 hours), store it below -20°C for long-term storage.

6) Whole blood without anticoagulants should be tested immediately; If there is already a part of cruor, a separate serum should be tested.Do not freezeFreezing and thawing cause the rupture of red blood cells hemolysis, seriously affecting the test results.

7) Treat the test card and sample as contaminants in accordance with local regulations.



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